While I have been not updating this blog I have been reading three years worth of her blog. It's awesome stuff. Well worth the read. And reread...
One of her posts brought my thoughts back to my own blog and what I originally intended it for before I came out here to South Africa. A place to share the things I've seen, heard and done on my walk with Jesus... As my tag line says, I wanted to be able to honestly share part of my own journey with anyone who was interested and could maybe appreciate or learn from my experience. I wanted this to be part of my God-given ministry to those who read or follow. I hoped that it would my own small, tiny way of building up the wider church.
But...I failed. And I only have myself to blame. I'm a terrible blogger. Just look at the meagre total of 19 posts in about 2 years for proof! And I realised a huge part of this is because that being the perfectionist that I am has kept me from sharing most of the time. I don't know if what I have to say is worth anything. Or if anyone will understand me or just think I'm crazy for thinking or saying things etc. etc. Or what if I change my opinion or learn a deeper meaning after I share something?? What I wrote the month or week or even day before looks stupid then. Doesn't it???
Well, I was challenged by Jamie and her post and blog in general. I find her honesty so refreshing and inspiring. It doesn't matter if what I write isn't perfect. I've never claimed it to be. But as long as it IS my story - my journey, my experiences, my reflections - it has value. Even if I am wrong...which by the way you are welcome to tell me!
So I am resurrecting this blog. And I plan to be a much better blogger. Because it's good to share.
It's interesting because today we spoke about Jesus being the resurrection and the life in devotions with the LifeXchange guys this morning. And one of them was talking about changing your choices from a WAY of death to a WAY of life. And we got to talk about the whole Now And Not Yet principle of life in Jesus. So, another reminder to myself of how I am not perfect now, but one day I will be!
I'll start (and leave you) with these thoughts from a recent quiet time of my own with God that I'd like this new beginning to be about:
Thank you Lord for fresh air.
Thank you for being able to breathe out the old, stale air of what I've been and done.
Thank you for being able to breathe in the slightly shockingly cold and clean air that smells like mountains and sea and Life.
Thank you for another fresh start. With You.
In the interests of sharing, let me know what you think. And what you're learning?