Monday, 23 January 2012

Getting to know the South African wildlife

It has been a crazy weekend!
To start with, I was greeted on Friday morning by several maggots crawling all over the floor of my flat! Ew, right? Well I made the super fast decision to get them out of the flat ASAP and got to work hunting out the creepy crawlies and sweeping them outside onto the balcony. So, that done, I was staring at the tiny beasts through the sliding door glass wondering what to do next. With some help from Google I found out that to kill them I had to pour boiling water on them. Easy! So I boiled the kettle and prepared myself to face the maggots. I have to say it was not a fair fight, me being about a hundred times their size! As I managed to flood the last one, I looked up to see the neighbours staring my way, frozen halfway through getting into their car. It was only then I realised how crazy I must have looked. Prancing around on the balcony in my pyjamas, trying to avoid stepping on the maggots and every now and then thrusting out the kettle and pouring scalding water on the floor and then jumping back as drops of boiling water splashed onto my toes. I may even have lost myself in the moment and uttered several half-crazed 'Ha's!' and 'Die, maggot, die!' at the little creatures! Anyway, I think I just smiled at the neighbours and jumped back inside quickly.
I wish I could say that that was the end of it but I kept finding more maggot friends the rest of the day and on Saturday too. And then, on Saturday night, when I thought I had finally got rid of the nasty creatures and was able to have a good night's rest. I woke up on Sunday morning with a swollen eyelid. Apparently the maggots had found a friendly spider who got their revenge on me and bit me ON MY EYELID! Seriously! Luckily the swelling has gone down pretty rapidly, but I had to take an antihistamine and it meant that I was so sleepy all Sunday.
I never found the spider but I hope that since the sores are even now there will be no more attacks.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Home Sweet Home

Last week I was saying how it was hard to have two homes because you're always saying goodbye to people. Well, I want to add to that... The best thing about having two homes is that you leave home but you also come back home! You say goodbye to friends and then hello to friends! It has been so easy to come back to Cape Town and settle into life here again. To catch up with people and hear about what I've missed and carry on where we left off. I have had a real sense of peace and rightness througout the moving process. And I'm loving the new flat that God has provided for me to stay in:
 I am still so amazed by how He has provided everything for my return and I want to hold on to this fact and privilege and hopefully be a good steward of all that He has given me.