Wednesday, 14 December 2011

God's provision

'The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.' (Psalm 23:1)

This week I have been experiencing the truth of this statement.

Last week I had to make some difficult decisions about going to South Africa or postponing the trip because I haven't raised all the money I will need to support myself for the full year yet. I prayed and thought and prayed some more and I still got the message from God to 'Go!'. I wrestled with this because I felt that I might be setting up not only myself, but others who might depend on me as well, for a fall if I went ahead. I felt like I was walking up to a cliff edge and God was asking me to jump off and trust that He would not let me fall. In my head I knew that He could do this but I was finding it hard to really believe, go ahead with making plans and sign myself up to 12 months in Cape Town. Gradually, God helped me to let go of my worries and fears and take that leap of faith. So I booked my flight for 8th January next year.

The next step was to work out where I am going to stay in Cape Town. Again, I was worrying about taking out a 12-month lease and kept delaying and putting off the decision - taking the easy way out of planning to stay with friends for a while and finding a 6-month lease and then taking things as they came. I knew that I was taking back all my doubts from God and trying to get back to the ground where I had more control again. But something made me check out an ad for a studio flat very close to the Living Hope campus. I think it was the date that it would be available (the day before I arrive in Cape Town) that I found pretty coincidental. I really didn't expect how God was working things out for me so well...

So, the amazing things about the flat:
  1. It is so close to Living Hope and other friends.
  2. It turns out the landlord attends King of Kings Baptist Church and is a supporter of Living Hope. He is also a primary school teacher - making contacts already for when I need to find a way to support myself!
  3. I thought the rent would be just in my budget, but it turns out the exchange rate at the moment isn't the best for Rand and so it actually will be £50 under budget which means overall I have less money to raise than I thought!
God has blown me away by His goodness and faithfulness in this and I'd like to say I will never doubt Him again!

So, I am still learning to follow my Shepherd, and completely depend on Him to provide everything I need - even the bed and some other furniture I will need to live in the flat!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Only a month to go! And it was so great to start all my last minute preparation and fundraising in church on Sunday. I felt so blessed to have so many of my family (in Christ) laying hands on and praying for me. Yay Mutley! I will miss you so.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A Quick Update

Check out some of the jewellery I am selling to help to raise funds. It's made out of old magazines using techniques I learned in South Africa. I will be running a workshop at church next Sunday sharing how to make these and other Christmas crafts.

With only a month to go things have been getting busy and I am starting to focus fundraising efforts. Mainly I am learning how to really rely on God to provide for all my needs.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Yes and No

MBC has decided not to support me in regular financial giving but rather a small one-off sum as given to other short-termers. This was a setback and sent my thoughts spiralling downwards at first. But, a passage we studied recently has helped me come to terms with this development (because that's what it really is).
In Acts 16:6-10, Paul and his companions are in a similar situation of wanting to go on and preach the gospel and face the question of where and to who? God is leading them only one step at a time with several 'No's' until Paul finally receives a vision of a man calling him to Macedonia. I have come to see that I can, like Paul and the others, walk between my own Asia and Bithynia. And try to take the 'No's' not as negative but as guidance from God, knowing that I will reach my own Troas where the people, places and times that He is calling me to reach out to will become clear.

And so, I am realising the many opportunities 'or possible 'Yes's' that this decision has opened up for me, as I look into the ways I can support myself in South Africa and still maintain contact and work with Living Hope. I am going to carry on stepping out confidently in faith looking for God to close the wrong doors and open the right ones, as He is showing me He is already doing.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

First post!

Okay, here goes...

It's taken me a while to recover from Summer Camp this year. It was such an amazing, awesome, inspiring, loving and growing time and I'm still on a spiritual high even though I was exhausted. It was so encouraging to see the youth really seeking God and through it all of us were growing closer to Him each day. I LOVED worshipping every evening in a tent in a field with the cows mooing along as well!
And the best part is that even though I didn't feel I connected as well with my tent this year, a lot of the girls had amazing encounters with God and are still coming to church on Sunday - something they would never have even thought of doing before Summer Camp. Which adds to my own personal breakthrough from God for the week - something that I said in a conversation with one of the campers and have actually found to be a great comfort for myself (which makes me think that actually He said it!):

'Remember that God works in people, and we just have to be loved by Him so that we can love.'

I found this so refreshing and since being back have come to have a real feeling of peace about my decision to return to South Africa. I don't know when it will be but I'm certain I will be there some time.
So I am confidently moving forward and making new footprints in faith by raising support from friends and family for my return, praying that God will open and close the right doors in front of me.